

2. 客訂藥袋 Customized Medicine Bag

專業客製化藥袋印製廠商,符合國家藥師法與醫勞法相關規定,詳細標示等十四項 :
The most professional Medicine Bag printing company that conforms to the regulations of Pharmacist's Act and Medical law. The Medicine Bag includes the information of
01.病人姓名 name08.警語或副作用 warnings and side effects
02.病人性別 s name09.醫療機構名稱 the name of the medical institution
03.藥名 name of medicine 10.醫療機構地址 the location of the medical institution
04.藥品劑量 dosage 11.醫療機構 the medical institution
05.藥品數量 quanity 12.聯絡方式 Contact
06.藥品用量 Dosage and Administration 13.調劑者姓名 the name of the pharmacist
07.藥品之用法(作用或適應症) usage (effects or indications)14.調劑年、月、日 the date when prescription was made up(by day,month,and year)